Birthday Decorator


Om Caterers and Decorators, here we are, the best birthday decorators in East of Kailash, South Delhi, India. We help people in making their parties enjoyable, entertaining, and memorable.

We provide Birthday Decorator Services at your home or anywhere in East of Kailash, Delhi. Book our Birthday Decorator Services in East Of Kailash and get the chance to decorate your party, event, or venue in the most beautiful way. You don't have to worry about anything, our expert team of party planners will take care of everything and all you have to do is relax and enjoy the occasion.

Get the most trendy and popular birthday party decorations from Om Caterers and Decorators in East of Kailash, South Delhi. We are your complete catering and decoration service provider. We help you plan a perfect party for your mates and make them feel loved and special. We can also organize a small home as well as big corporate party. We provide you end-to-end solution for your birthday planning arrangements & decoration.

Therefore, If you are searching for the best birthday party decorator, contact us, we are the best caterers and decorators in East of Kailash, Delhi. Our motto is to create your party delightful. Get in touch with us now to get your perfect party decoration service from us.

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About East of kailash

The East of Kailash is home to quiet residential areas and busy shopping streets selling sarees, jewelry, and electronics. At its center, the ISKCON Temple is a large Hare Krishna venue offering courses and vegetarian cafes, while the adjacent Aastha Kunj Park is known for the flower-like Bahá'í Lotus Temple and tree-lined trails. Ashoka's inscription contains ancient inscriptions on the teachings of Buddhism .

Main Services

caterers in Delhi

Birthday decorator

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caterers in Delhi

Event Decorator

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caterers in Delhi

Wedding decorator

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caterers in Delhi

tent house

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caterers in Delhi

tent service

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caterers in Delhi

Marriage decorator

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Our Completed Projects


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